Collected words from talks of Swami Tirtha
Dear devotees of the Divine Couple, please accept our dandavats, greetings and
The Janmastami celebration approaches again and this is one of the greatest
opportunities to celebrate divinity with loving offerings. The best sacrificial
offering in Kali-yuga is the Holy Name that not only liberates from material
entanglement and purifies the heart completely but also satisfies the Supreme
Lord Sri Krsna, His beloved companions, Srimati Radhika and Her friends, and
also all the devotees around the globe and universe.
This year again we would like to organize a grand international nama-yajna
offering on the occasion of the next Janmastami to commemorate the event. The
offering period will be on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of August. You are also
invited to join our spiritual sangha, bridging continents, missions, hearts and
souls. /You can “join” us locally or on this year Mela in Pamporovo./
Please register and if we are more and more we can also raise the number of
mantras offered to the Divine Couple. /You can register your rounds by replying
to this e-mail or on our simple website dedicated to this event:
The goal is to chant the Names and Glorify the Divine Couple as much and as
heartfelt as possible. So the minimum target is to offer 1.080.000 full
mahamatras on these days; that means 10.000 rounds on mala. If we have 100
participants, everyone needs to chant 100 rounds (about 8-10 hours) if 200 then
only 50 rounds (5 hours). Don’t be overpowered by the numbers, just join freely
our offering!
Also if you have any ideas how can we make this offering more living, glorious
or successful you are welcome to share it with us.
Let’s be united in divine service!
Chitra devi dasi
The holy name of Krsna cleanses the mirror of the heart
and forever extinguishes the fire of misery,
that great conflagration in the forest of birth and death.
As the evening lotus blooms
in the moon’s cooling rays,
the heart begins to blossom
in the nectar of the name.
And at last the soul awakens
to its real inner treasure
a life of unconditional surrender
for Krsna’s sweetest pleasure.
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