
Collected words from talks of Swami Tirtha




The next morning, Jagadananda went to see the Lord and Mahaprabhu said to Jagadananda Pandita, “My dear Pandita, you have brought Me some oil from Bengal, but since I am in the renounced order, I cannot accept it. Deliver the oil to the temple of Jagannatha so that it may be burned in the lamps. Thus your labor in preparing the oil will be fruitful.” Jagadananda Pandita replied, “Who tells You all these false stories? I never brought any oil from Bengal.” He was a little upset, right. “After saying this, Jagadananda Pandita took the jug of oil from the room and threw it down before Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the courtyard and broke it. After breaking the jug, Jagadananda Pandita returned to his residence, bolted the door and lay down.”[1]

So, he was devastated because Mahaprabhu didn’t accept his service. And he was a little passionate devotee, maybe he is an honorary Bulgarian, with so much emotions. So much so, that “if You don’t accept my service, oh, bang this oil!” Just wasting 15kg of gold if it is not accepted by God. And what happened later? He went home and hid himself.

“Three days later, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to the door of his room and said, “My dear Jagadananda Pandita, please get up. I want you personally to cook My lunch today. I am going now to see the Lord in the temple. I shall return at noon.” After Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said this and left, Jagadananda Pandita got up from his bed, bathed, and began to cook varieties of vegetables. After finishing His noontime ritualistic duties, the Lord arrived for lunch. Jagadananda Pandita washed the Lord’s feet and gave the Lord a sitting place. He had cooked fine rice, mixed it with ghee and piled it high on a banana leaf. There were also varieties of vegetables, placed all around in pots made of banana tree bark. On the rice and vegetables were tulasi flowers, and in front of the Lord were cakes, sweet rice and other prasada of Jagannatha. The Lord said, “Spread another leaf with rice and vegetables so that today you and I may take lunch together.” Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu kept His hands raised and would not accept the prasada until Jagadananda Pandita, with great affection and love, spoke the following words. “Please first take prasada Yourself, and I shall eat later. I shall not refuse Your request.” In great happiness, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu then accepted the lunch. When He had tasted the vegetables, He again began to speak. “Even when you cook in an angry mood,” He said, “the food is very tasteful. This shows how pleased Krsna is with you. Because He will personally eat the food, Krsna makes you cook so nicely. You offer such nectarean rice to Krsna. Who can estimate the limit of your fortune?” Jagadananda Pandita replied, “He who will eat has cooked this. As far as I am concerned, I simply collect the ingredients.” Jagadananda Pandita continued to offer the Lord varieties of vegetables. Out of fear, the Lord said nothing, but continued eating happily. Jagadananda Pandita eagerly forced the Lord to eat so much that He ate ten times more than on other days. Again and again when the Lord wished to get up, Jagadananda Pandita would feed Him more vegetables. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu dared not forbid him to feed Him more. He just continued eating, fearful that Jagadananda would fast if He stopped. At last the Lord respectfully submitted, “My dear Jagadananda, you have already made Me eat ten times more than I am used to. Now, please stop.” Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu stood up and washed His hands and mouth, while Jagadananda Pandita brought spices, a garland, and sandalwood pulp. Accepting the sandalwood pulp and garland, the Lord sat down and said, “Now, in front of Me, you must eat.” Jagadananda replied, “My Lord, You go take rest. I shall take prasada after I finish making some arrangements. Ramai Pandita and Raghunatha Bhatta did the cooking, and I want to give them some rice and vegetables.”[2] So, you see the diferent tricks of the vaishnavas, their trying to escape? “Then Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu told Govinda, “You remain here. When the Pandita has taken his food, come inform Me. After Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had said this and left, Jagadananda Pandita spoke to Govinda. “Go quickly and massage the Lord’s feet,” he said. “You may tell Him, ‘The Pandita has just sat down to take his meal.’ I shall keep some remnants of the Lord’s food for you. When He is asleep, come and take your portion.” Jagadananda Pandita thus distributed remnants of the Lord’s food to Ramai, Nandai, Govinda and Raghunatha Bhatta. He also personally ate the remnants of food left by Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Then the Lord again sent Govinda. The Lord told him, “Go see whether Jagadananda Pandita is eating. Then quickly return and let Me know.” Seeing that Jagadananda Pandita was indeed eating, Govinda informed the Lord, who then became peaceful and went to sleep. The affectionate loving exchanges between Jagadananda Pandita and Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu continued in this manner, exactly like the exchanges between Satyabhama and Lord Krsna related in Srimad-Bhagavatam. Who can estimate the limit of Jagadananda Pandita’s fortune? He himself is the example of his own great fortune. Anyone who hears about the loving exchanges between Jagadananda Pandita and Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, or who reads Jagadananda’s book Prema-vivarta, can understand what love is. Moreover, he achieves ecstatic love of Krsna. Praying at the lotus feet of Shri Rupa and Shri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Shri Chaitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps.”[3]

So, there is always a variety of rasa. Many diferent ways to accociate with the Lord and the devotees. And from this you can see that sometimes if a devotee is offended, there are ways to pacify him or her.

[1] Caitanya Caritamrita Antya Lila, 115-120

[2] Caitanya Caritamrita Antya Lila, 121-143

[3] Caitanya Caritamrita Antya Lila, 144-155

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