Collected words from talks of Swami Tirtha
(from a lecture of Swami Tirtha, 04.05.2018, Rila)
(continues from the previous Monday)
What are the results of the holy name, of the mahamantra? Three names are included, there: Hare, Krishna and Rama. Very simple. What are the effects of the holy name? What will it provide?
Krishna Priya: Peace
Swami Tirtha: At the beginning, peace. And later on? Less peace? But don’t worry, go ahead, go on. Yes – the holy name will provide some positive feedback: we feel more peaceful, more purified, more spiritually oriented, we feel more hope. This is the scientific method; you apply the method and you read the results. But another requirement of the scientific method is that you should repeat it. And if you repeat it, you feel the same results. Therefore, we repeat. Today peace, tomorrow more peace. Other opinions?
Others: Connection. Meaning. Joy of self. Inspiration to serve.
Swami Tirtha: Alright, but as we discussed this quotation from the Chaitanya Charitamrita, the names is shuddha, purna, chintamani, etc., etc., and it will provide all the possible blessings; liberation included. Which part of the mahamantra will provide liberation?
Rama, Rama-nam will provide liberation. Vishnu-nam can also provide liberation. Do you know the proportion between the power of the different holy names? How much more powerful is Rama-nam than Vishnu-nam? Thousand Vishnu-nam is equal to one Rama-nam. So Rama-nam is very powerful. Gandhi died with Rama-nam. The last word that he said was ‘Rama’. And you know, with some famous personalities, people check their last word. Do you know what was the last word of Mahler when he died? ‘Mozart’. So all their mentality is condensed in the last word – what they remember, what they speak. In one sense it is nice, because if you are a genius composer and you glorify another composer in your last breath, some humility there. You can find some respect there.
We can say that this is a professional chanting – you chant inside your profession. You are a composer and you chant the name of a composer. Therefore, what kind of profession shall we choose? My humble suggestion is to choose a spiritual profession. Even Gandhi who was a politician, had chosen a spiritual chanting at the end. His whole life was about Ram and finally, he was connected to Ram. He died with Rama-nam on the lips. He didn’t chant ‘Churchill’. Rama-nam is very powerful. Half of India is chanting Rama-nam. They wait for Ramachandra’s realm to return. The kingdom of Rama! And they want to be connected to Rama.
So, one Rama-nam is equal to a thousand Vishnu-nam. But one Krishna-nam equals to how many Rama-nam? The Shrimad Bhagavatam says it’s three. One Krishna-nam equals three Rama-nam. So if we say that in the mahamantra Ram is the Rama-nam; this is one explanation, we all know that there are different explanations – but if we stick to this one, that in the mahamantra Rama-nam will provide liberation, then there is a lot more to find here.
I wonder what Krishna-nam can provide? If Rama-nam will give you liberation, what will Krishna-nam provide you?
Answers: Consciousness, chance for service, rasa – taste.
Swami Tirtha: We can say that Krishna-nam can bless us with life eternal. It is said, by knowledge you can overcome death, and by wisdom you can gain eternity. So, Krishna-nam will bring us to the lotus feet of the Lord. Because Krishna is all attractive, He will bring you closer to Himself. Our devotion is like a creeper. And the nature of the creeper is to go around a big tree, always higher and higher. So, by Krishna-nam we can reach the lotus feet of our Lord.
And what you mentioned here – the ability to serve – is provided by the third party of the mahamantra. So, if you go beyond liberation and finally you reach the lotus feet of Krishna, then the know-how is provided by Radhika. What to do there; if I am with my Lord, what am I to do? Then the service mood, the intimate relationship starts. This is provided by the serious and pure-hearted chanting of the holy names.
(to be continued)
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