
Collected words from talks of Swami Tirtha

(from a lecture of Swami Tirtha, 03.05.2018, Rila)

(continues from the previous Monday)

As it is said in the Harinama Chintamani, the secondary names of God are like Creator or Father – describing functions. The primary names are rasic.

And you know, it’s a very classical story, when one disciple asked a master: “Ah, my master, please tell me, what is the proper pronunciation, how to properly say the name of Krishna?” Because, for example, the Oriya devotees, from Orissa, they say ‘Krushna’. And all the different nations have their specific pronunciation. For example, for the Japanese devotees is very difficult to differentiate between ‘l’ and ‘r’. So sometimes they say “Klishna, Klishna”. In Bengal they say ‘Krishno’; so there are different ways. Of course, we all have our specifics –therefore it’s a very relevant question: what is the proper pronunciation of the name ‘Krishna’, Krishna’s name?

Then the master said: “The proper pronunciation of ‘Krishna’ is ‘Govinda’!” Why? Because even Krishna is a generic term – the All-attractive, all right; but who is He properly, really, ultimately?! Therefore the master gives the proper answer: My Krishna is Govinda – who will take care of me, who will guide me. I’m not only a lost soul, I’m a lost calf. And hopefully He will come after me. Govinda is the one whom you can talk to, who will respond. Therefore my Krishna is Govinda. Isn’t that rasic?! It’s very much rasic. And in this way you don’t achieve a generic liberation, you receive a very specific invitation to join the lilas.

So the transcendental method, this supernatural method that will help us to cross the boundaries of tri-guna, is the holy name. You will be able to overcome the influence of the three gunas, you can overcome the limitations of the four yugas – so all the other methods are included in chanting.


(to be continued)


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