Collected words from talks of Swami TirthaThe whole Vedic literature supports our search. What is the most wide-spread mantra in the Vedas?
Shyamasundara: Probably it is om.
Tirtha Maharaj: Yes, and what is om? Om is a big “yes”. With this om all the Vedic literature says: “Yes! What you are searching for, it exists. Go, you will find it!” And actually it is there. No! Actually it is here! Here and now – only remove the veil of your eyes.
And it is also said that you are born of the nectar. “O, sons and daughters of nectar, you are born in oceans of nectar. This is your birth right, your inheritance. Search for that nectar, it belongs to you, and do not be satisfied with anything else then nectar.” Devotional service is the key to that nectar. Therefore we have to carry out that search to the utmost limit. This should be our inner determination. Catch the hands of your brothers and sisters. And with the other two hands – because you have this divine four-hand form – just catch the lotus feet… ah, maybe not the lotus feet, but the end part of the dhoti of your spiritual masters. Always have his example in front of your spiritual eyes. And try to search forKrishna with the best of your qualities, with the best of your offerings – and this is our feelings.
The pick achievement of existence is consciousness. And the pick experience of consciousness is spiritual bliss. Sat-chit-ananda. We exist, you all have some understanding, some knowledge, search for the satisfaction of your heart and soul. With Krishna you can find it easy. Therefore om, yes, go on with your search. What you are looking for, it exists. The Divine Couple is the goal and dedicated service is the way.
So, if we consider these eight verses – four main form the “Gita”[1] and four main from the “Bhagavatam”[2] – Krishna started in the “Gita” that “I exist” and here in the last, final verse of the four main from “Shrimad-bhagavatam” He says: “Search for Me!” So we can say that this spiritual journey, spiritual search for the human being, this story starts and ends with You.
[1] “Bhagavad-gita” 10.8-11
[2] “Shrimad-bhagavatam” 2.9.33-36