Collected words from talks of Swami Tirtha
(from lecture of Bhakti Kamala Tirtha Maharaj, 2 of September 2006, Sofia) Prayer in most of the cases is intellectual, and in the good, special cases is emotional cry to God. Meditation is when you empty yourself so much so, that you get rid of your control, so to say, in order that He can take the control over you. So as we were discussing, in your prayers usually you want to control Him. But in the real meditation, you want Him to control you. That is the difference. In meditation you are so to say passive recipient – inviting, trying to get, trying to understand, to receive. In prayers you offer yourself, you offer your energies, your offer your words, you offer your thoughts. If you practice pure either this or that, we cannot say that one is higher and the other is lower. What is higher – shravanam or kirtanam? Both are good. First we hear, then we chant. First you pray, then you meditate. Or the other way round. So all the different limbs are good. But you can pray so nice when you are down, when you are full of problems, isn’t it? May be it is difficult to meditate at such period. You want to stop the flow of your thoughts, it’s just like a big storm in your head. In such moments you cannot meditate – but you can pray! It’s different, little different. So, if you have in your group a good person to pray, whose prayers are always heard by the Lord, аapproach him, “O, you should pray for me a little bit!” And if you have a good person who meditates nice, then you should learn meditation from him. If there is somebody chanting nice, you should learn chanting from him, est. If somebody serves Gurudev very nice, then we should approach him to learn how to serve Gurudev nice. Right, this is the method. Therefore in the Gaudia Math devotees were not struggling for the remnants of the guru, but they were waiting at the door of one disciple, who was so much devoted to the master. They were waiting for the mahaprasadam of Kunjabihari Vidyabhushan in order to achieve the same dedication to Gurudev, that he had. But of course, please don’t try to snatch the prasadam from each-others plates! “O, I had heard in the lecture that by taking that…. “ and you collect from all the plates – “because Damodar is very good in chanting and he is very good in singing and she is very good in that… So in this way I can become the best!” But if you need some help, if you need some guidance, consultation – then you should know where to turn. Simply go in the footsteps of these devotees, whose prayers are heard by the Lord and take little dust. Then you get it. This is our prayer.
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