Collected words from talks of Swami Tirtha
(from a lecture of Swami Tirtha, 05.05.2018, Rila)
(continues from the previous Monday)
We have to study Jiva Goswami’s purports to the mahamantra. First he gives the text that he shall discuss. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. You know, our scope is small. And our ability to change between different moods is very weak. But he is very much able to give one, and another, and yet another type of explanation. So, he will explain the depths of the mahamantra in three different moods, three different emotional understandings. The first one is in the mood of aishwarya-gyana, or the majestic consciousness. Actually he discusses the different words included in the mahamantra, which are not many, it’s only three words – Hare, Krishna and Rama. So he will give an explanation to these three words first in this mood of aishwarya, the majestic understanding of Godhead.
“Harati – to take away. As He will take away the three kinds of sufferings of all those, who remember Him and also He will remove all the sins, sinful reactions coming from previous unlimited number of births, therefore He is called Hari.” So, Hari means a person who will remove. Remove the three kinds of sufferings and the unlimited sinful reactions.
I think this understanding is very close to us, to the beginner practitioners. What is so painful for us? Many times people say ‘Life is so painful!’ And then they start to try to enjoy life. So what is so painful in life? One major element here is the suffering. Although we don’t want it, we want to avoid suffering, it will come anyway. Just as we discussed recently: if we come here, if we take birth, it’s for sure that we shall go. Yet we are surprised by death. Why? If you live, it’s for sure you will pass away. Don’t be surprised. Of course the feeling is painful, but this is something very natural. Yet we perceive death as something frightening or fearful or painful.
So life is suffering. Well, in our culture in the West people say, ‘Oh, life is for enjoyment’ – and then everybody is complaining. ‘Life is a party’ – but then your face is sour. In the East everybody knows that life is suffering – yet people smile. I think in our system something is wrong. If we project our hopes over life, then we shall face the brutal reality. While those who analyze life and understand philosophically that basically, material life is suffering, they can enjoy, so to say, the hope that they can go beyond.
But Hari, this special aspect of Krishna, will remove this feeling of suffering. Actually, it is declared that people don’t suffer due to the things around them, but they suffer due to how they perceive them. Therefore we can agree that actually, as vaishnava practitioners – those who have a shelter, those who have a spiritual goal – you have no right to complain. Maybe you have some reason to complain, but you have no right to complain. It’s easy to say it and easy to smile when you hear it, but please apply it. Why? Because we don’t suffer due to the things around us, but we suffer due to our perception. The psychology department agrees?
Bhagavat Prasad: Yes, Gurudev, absolutely.
Swami Tirtha: This is the only reason for people to suffer. They have a wrong perception. The first step in yoga, the first step in spiritual life is: purify your vision. Come to your senses, have a perfect perception.
(to be continued)
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