
Collected words from talks of Swami Tirtha


(continues from the previous Friday)



The point number four is “Inquire from guru and follow the instruction”. So, it is not enough simply to inquire, you have to follow also. Therefore it is said in our tradition: it is not obligatory to ask, but if you ask, then you should accept the answer. Therefore be careful. Asking a sadhu means you have to follow. If you are not ready to accept the answer, better don’t ask.

So, inquire. Inquiries – but on what level? Everyday level, the material platform, the troubles of our life? Or some theoretical, philosophical questions? Or some questions concerning rasa? Rasa means divine emotions of the heart towards God. There are different levels of inquiries and a real spiritual master can give you answers on all the different platforms. Who come with disturbing questions, they will receive very quick and easy answers just to get rid of them. Those who inquire in a more profound way, more seriously, they will receive different answers. And those who inquire on the topmost platform, then this is not simply an inquiry, this is a discussion, an exchange.

So, we should improve our inquiries. But until you don’t know what you should ask and what you should not ask, better you ask. Because first we have to understand what type of questions to ask; but don’t stop at asking – be ready for following. And as you mentioned, guru must be heavy. Therefore we have to be very careful what to ask. Because if you ask: “Oh, Gurudev, what shall I do?” He will give an ultimate answer, but the question is whether you can follow it, or not? Just imagine you approach a spiritual master and ask: “Oh, Gurudev, can you please tell me what I should do in my life?” And he will tell you: “Oh, just give up all the material attachments and be happy in spiritual devotional service.” And then you will say: “Ah, that’s very nice, but have you got an easier version?“ Therefore the masters are very careful about answering. Real masters help you to grow in your commitment. Our gurus see our position. Guru sees that today we are only capable of wiping the floor, not more. So, he will give us the duty: “Can you please wipe the floor?” And then you start following the advice. Later on he will give more responsible tasks for you. And when you really come to that platform to ask a real question, he will give you the real answer when you are capable of accepting. So, inquiries and following the instructions.

Then the fifth point is “Follow the previous masters and your spiritual guide”. Sometimes we need spiritual grandfathers also. Because what is the position of the father? The father has to correct all the mistakes of the sons and the daughters, because he is responsible. But what is the position of the grandfather? Always caressing, always happy: “Oh, take it easy”. Sometimes the immediate superiors are a little chastising, but the grandfather spiritual master never chastises and he says: “Oh, my dear son, go on and don’t take it to your heart, don’t be depressed.” And to enjoy the blessings of the predecessors – masters, gurus, teachers, acharyas – you can achieve by serving your immediate master. The grandfather is very satisfied if the grandson serves the father. And we have to become obedient sons of the tradition. Then you can enjoy the full benefit.

The next step is: “Be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of God”. This is point number six. It’s a very high expectation, but this is one quality of the disciple – that they should be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of divine service. This is quite demanding, isn’t it? But we have to decide whether we want to enter the labyrinth more and more, or we want to find the way out.


(to be continued)



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